RESOURCES FOR HUDSON COUNTY - Provided by Hudson Partnership CMO

Monthly Events at Symposia book store

Start Time12:00 PM
Hoboken, NJ 

Gentle Yoga Class – Every Wednesday at 7 pm

 Have you always shied away from Yoga because you thought you weren't very flexible?

Symposia is now opening its doors to a new environment for yoga practice: small classes, taught in a supportive, non-competitive manner, with individual attention.  Students will be gently guided through basic yoga postures, yogic breathing, meditation, and relaxation techniques.

Certified Yoga Instructor Carmen Rusu

For more information, or to register, contact Carmen:  201-805-1739 or


Conversation Series with Nancy Colasurdo, writer and life coach - June 22nd, 8-9.30 pm

 Participants can bring a topic idea and we'll vote as a group on which one to discuss. This event is free and open to the public. It is not a workshop or seminar, simply a chance to talk with others in the community.

Light refreshments served.

**Kindly note the later start time for summer

For more information, contact Carmen at 201-805-1739 or


Dance Classes at Symposia with Instructor Tracy Everitt, Liza Minnelli's Dance Partner – Every Tuesday at 7 pm.

 Learn  Classic Wedding Dances music  that will never grow old

Learn the actual, real "going-out" partner dancing but dress is informal for lessons : Wear your everyday attire...Learn Swing, Waltz, all dances for weddings and events...Come! Feel you finally know how to dance, and learn it right, taught as if the first day of your life in a dance lesson: a new start each week!...

Couples or singles...

$15 per person per hour each lesson, or $50 for 4 lessons.

Instructor: Tracy Everitt, Broadway and Hollywood dance partner of Liza Minnelli (watch Liza and Tracy in the youtube video "Steam Heat" and see Tracy at Lincoln Center and with Hoboken Chamber Orch. on YouTube as well.

Registration required. Space is limited. Please call 201-963-0909 or email Carmen at


Guitar Circle – Every Thursday at 8.30 pm


Come jam with local guitar players in a casual, friendly atmosphere. Share your favorite songs and learn new ones. All playing levels and styles are welcome!

To register or for more info, contact Carlos at


PUPPETONIA – Puppet Shows for Babies and Toddlers


Since its inception, Puppetonia has taught children so much more than just their ABC’s and 123′s. The music and puppet shows incorporate important social skills, early academics, thinking skills, motor skills, and self-expression.

The music is fun and upbeat, and the children are encouraged to move to the rhythm, follow verbal instructions, practice sequential movements, and have a great time. And there are bubbles galore!


For a sample of our shows, check these links:


PUPPETONIA SHOWS (Babies and Toddlers):

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 10 and 11 am

Thu at 4 pm.



Tue, Wed and Thu at 1.30 pm

Two new shows every week.


No reservation required.

For more info, call or text: (201) 805-1739

Email:  or visit





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